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Winter can feel challenging in many ways. There’s stress from festivities and sadness from missing out on them; it’s colder, darker and we’re stuck indoors.
But as we’re likely stuck indoors already, it’s actually a time when the rest of the world moves more into line with us. When we become more normal.
Hibernating is in season, including staying inside, wrapping up warm and resting, which is what we do best. Hedgehogs recommend it and who are we to gainsay?
There are lots of little things we can do to keep ourself going, whether by enjoying Christmas lights and decorations, lighting candles, wrapping ourselves in blankets or having hot cups of tea. It’s also a great time for that deep cold fresh air outside and the silent beauty of nature in winter.
Our world might even be blanketed by snow at times, and we also start to gain more light as we move beyond the winter solstice.
If we make winter into a time of gentle softness, it can be our companion until the world renews again in spring.